Chinese Bone Broth with Asian Pears

I’m really trying to get hyped up for Chinese New Year.  Aside from some flowers I brought into the home, CNY lacks its usual red & gold luster, feeling more like the dreary snowy Monday that is New York today.  BUT in an effort to stay true to CNY traditions of 除舊迎新 “out with the old (crap) and in with the good”, I’m going to refrain from talking about the absolute insanity of work in January, my forever cold, and my wistful thoughts of childhood past. Continue reading

Oxtail Stew with Celery Root Mash

Happy 2016!!!!! 2015 went by in a flash, and with Preston’s hard work finally culminating to his start-up’s private Beta test in December, my year end workload, and trying our best to partake in the holidays, the past month completely vanished on us.  Luckily I had the last minute wisdom to take off the final week of 2015. No fancy plans, but staying home just to get ahead of life is such luxury.
Speaking of getting ahead of life and setting 2016 off to a great start, cooking must be involved since much of staying alive involves eating – fortunately and unfortunately. Continue reading

Thanksgiving Sandwich- Zouras Edition

There are many great things about marrying someone from a totally different culture, especially when it comes to the holidays.  Since our traditional holidays rarely overlap, Preston and I get to celebrate a variety of events basically all year round, show each other our traditions, and best of all, not deal with spousal splitting of the holidays! Luxurious.

After a surprisingly pleasant train ride and eerily relaxing meal time at Newark airport, a very Texas Thanksgiving week at the Pesek household came into full swing with turkey, stuffing, traditional fixins, dad’s ribs, mom’s (and sis’s!) pies and cookies, free flowing libations, burgers, hot dogs… Continue reading

Green Tea Ice Cream

I admit defeat.  Following the summer high off of our trip to Japan, I was committed to post a week, then post a 2 weeks, then… after 2 months of non-stop / non-glamorous travel and a week-long cold, I let my writing commitment slip. Aside from not blogging consistently, I know it’s REALLY bad when the stack of disposable utensils from ordering delivery (that I can’t bear to throw out) starts piling up and jams up our kitchen drawer. NOICE.

Speaking of my forever cold, soups and teas are standard remedies, but somewhere along the lines I am pretty sure I was told ice cream is good for a sore throat Continue reading

Back to Basics: Homemade Chicken Stock

Hem… what’s the story this month? Travel, travel, & more travel!  Granted, it’s been mostly the good kind of travel that involves family & friends – the kind where you don’t mind cramming yourself for 3 hours in a $150 Spirit Airlines seat that doesn’t recline. I take that back, Spirit Airlines still sucks balls.  Good or bad travel aside my body just can’t take abuse like it used to (I believe the scientific term is “gettin’ old”).  Here is my current list of travel “must-do’s”: Continue reading